Faculty of Social Sciences
Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology
MSocSc(Psy) | Full-time & Part-time
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Programme Highlights:
Expected Duration
Expected Duration
1 year
Expected Programme Start Date
Expected Programme Start Date
September 2025
Application Deadline
Application Deadline
Main Round:
12:00 noon (GMT +8), December 02, 2024
Full Time (one year)
Closed to Applications
Expected Duration
Expected Duration
2 years
Expected Programme Start Date
Expected Programme Start Date
September 2025
Application Deadline
Application Deadline
Main Round:
12:00 noon (GMT +8), December 02, 2024
Part Time (two years)
Closed to Applications


The Master of Social Sciences in the field of Psychology [MSocSc(Psychology)] course is designed to:

1. provide university graduates with an opportunity to acquire solid foundation in psychology with a strong understanding of psychology theories and research methods;

2. bring students to a level where they should be eligible to apply for graduate membership of the Hong Kong Psychological Society. Also, they should become eligible to apply for the programmes leading to the degrees of MSocSc in Clinical Psychology and in Educational Psychology, as well as research postgraduate degrees in psychology, if they have successfully completed courses according to the requirements of different programmes.

3. help students develop research competence in psychology, preparing them well for advanced professional training and a career in psychology and related fields.

Entrance Requirements

1)     To be eligible for admission to the programme, a candidate shall hold

(a)      i) a Bachelor's degree of this University; or

          ii) another qualification of equivalent standard from this University or from another University or comparable institution accepted for this purpose;

(b) preferably have more than one year work experience;

(c) satisfy the examiners in the qualifying examination and interview if shortlisted; and

(d) comply with the regulations for the degree of Master of Social Sciences.


2)    The University's English language requirements are as follows:

Applicants with qualifications from a university or comparable institution OUTSIDE Hong Kong where the language of teaching or examination is NOT English are required to obtain:

(a) a score of 550 or above (paper-based test) or 80 or above (internet-based test) in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL); or

(b) a minimum overall band of 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or

(c) grade C or above in either the Overseas General Certificate of Education, the International General Certificate of Secondary Education, or the Cambridge Test of Proficiency in English Language.

TOEFL applicants should request the Educational Testing Service (ETS) to send an official score report to the University (TOEFL code 9671) direct. The scores are valid for 2 years.

Download Documents

For additional information, we recommend reviewing the following documents:

Additional Information
PDFPDF Document
Regulations & Syllabuses
PDFPDF Document
Supporting Documents
PDFPDF Document
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Faculty of Social Sciences
The Faculty of Social Sciences was established in 1967, and has undergone rapid expansion and significant transformation since. The Faculty has six core Departments/Centre: Geography, Politics and Public Administration, Psychology, Social Work and Social Administration, and Sociology, and Journalism and Media Studies Centre. The Faculty is also the home to eight multidisciplinary research centres. These link scholars in the same field with experts from diversified disciplines in The University of Hong Kong and other research institutions both in Hong Kong, Mainland China and elsewhere in the world; and to provide a convenient focus for research, teaching, professional training, publication and international scholarly exchange and collaboration on specific areas of interest.
faculty image


If you have any inquiries regarding the programme or faculty, please do not hesitate to reach out to us using the contact methods provided below:

Programme Admissions Advisor(s)
Professor Frances Jin
telephone 3917 2375